How to Get the First Kiss and More

Today was really fun, I am so glad that you all enjoyed the topic. We spoke about how to get the first kiss and more...

The do's are as follows:

Make eye contact but don't just stare at her for 10 minutes, that's creepy. Walk with her in sync, not in front of her or behind her. SIDE by SIDE! Sit across from her at dinner, not side by side. This way you can make eye contact. Also, if you notice her biting her lip a bit or staring at your lips that's a good sign. Most of the time this means she is a bit nervous and interested. She is likely thinking about the first kiss.

Remember, the first kiss is similar to a first impression, it will not be forgotten. Take your time, touch her face or palm her cheeks, us ladies like that. If you kiss for an extended period of time, you are more likely to get laid! Women like kissing. It gets them in the mood for what's to CUM!

Here's a few don'ts:

Don't go in for the kiss at the beginning of the date, that's just awkward. DO NOT ask if you can kiss her or tell her, just do it! Don't ask her "how would you rate yourself as a kisser?" Also, do not ask for permission. Playing games is silly.

Tune in tomorrow to find out the topic, see you there!



One of the best at kissing and building up to something more is the talented and beautiful Courtney Cummz.