Vampire Call Girls

Vampire Call Girls
Story revolves around a lonely comic book artist named Bill. Like any normal guy who can’t get laid, Bill dials up an escort service and has some call girls sent over. For those of you whom can’t figure out what these call girls are, then I suggest that you re-read the title. Our hero (if you want to call him that) escapes from their evil clutches and decides to head straight over to the head office and complain. After along journey and lots of gratuitous nudity (and man is there a lot) Bill gets his chance to complain. When nothing happens (the girls don’t even get a slap on the wrist), Bill heads over to a friend’s house to hang out. It turns out that the story we just saw was a flashback, Bill is telling his story to all his buddies. Now that we’re in the present, Bill has to take a leak (warning: useless plot device). Apparently the guys called the same escort service. Now we get nakedness and carnage.

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